
Our Donors

We are deeply grateful to all the individual donors, community organizations and associations, companies, sponsors, and supporters who made this 20th Anniversary year a resounding success. With generously supported events and activities, unprecedented participation, and 20 reasons to celebrate, all had a memorable time!

20th Anniversary sponsors are highlighted in blue.

  • 20 Anonymous Donors
  • Actuelle Chaussures
  • Ronald Aiken, Jr.
  • Lucy Ainsworth
  • American Women’s Club of Montreal
  • Dennis Armstrong
  • Virginia Assaf
  • Assistance and Referral Center (ARC)
  • Jane Barlow
  • Michael Barratt, Royal LePage
  • Richard Bastien
  • Dianne Bateman
  • Nancy Beaton
  • Nathalie Beauchamp
  • Anne Beauchamp
  • Annie Beauregard
  • Nancy Beckett
  • Micheline Bedard
  • Christine Bieri
  • Simone Bluteau
  • Lise Bluteau
  • Bookkeeping Barn
  • Boucherie Charcuterie St-Lambert
  • Beppie Boudens-Alexander
  • Justin Boudreau
  • Jocelyn Brace
  • Carol Bulow
  • Sabine Bulow
  • Café Pistache
  • Harvey Campbell
  • CanadaHelps
  • Candiac Wednesday Group
  • Marilyn Carr
  • John Carr & Madeleine Colaca
  • Paul Carrier
  • Ann-Marie & Ray Cassin
  • Catholic Women’s League of Canada
  • Centaur Theatre
  • Chateauguay Valley Quilters’ Guild
  • Gretchen Cheung
  • Church of Saint Clare
  • Anna Ciccotosto
  • Clé en main Informatique
  • Albert Coccia
  • Shirley Collie
  • Susan Collins-Botros
  • Commuknitty / Entre Deux Mailles
  • Christine Contant
  • Nancy Cousins-Viau
  • Janice Couture
  • Cru – Bar à huitres
  • The late Judy Csukly
  • Ileana Cusiac
  • Rosemary Cyr
  • David & Pat Dalgleish
  • Petra Dando
  • Bianca David
  • Ellen De Grandpré
  • Carolyn J. Dellah
  • Andrew Dias
  • Eardley P. Dowling
  • Jean-Pierre Duguay
  • Barbara & Ernie Duguid
  • Josée Duranleau
  • Jennifer Dyson-St. Germain
  • Margaret Eastwood
  • Ecumenical Community Services (ECS) 
  • Penelope Ellison
  • Kevin Erskine-Henry
  • Esthétique Michele Noonan
  • FEDNAV Community Employees’ Committee
  • Furs by Harris
  • Susan Gardner
  • Patricia E. Geary
  • Helen Gibb Carsley
  • Kent Russell Gibbons
  • Catherine Gillbert
  • Robert Gobby
  • Eric Godin
  • Golf Club St. Lambert
  • Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
  • Marie Gravelle
  • Giuseppina Greco & Stephen Schaller
  • Sylvie Gregoire
  • Annemarie Greven
  • Maryanne Griss
  • H.O.P E.: Helping Other People Effectively
  • Ginette Hay-Ellis
  • France Héroux
  • Timothy Houlihan
  • François Huard
  • Ian Hutt-Borrelli
  • IGA – Le Marché Emily & Phillip Desmarais
  • Rouben Ishayek
  • Danny Julien
  • Lorraine Keays
  • Bill & Cindy Kerwin
  • Monica & Sheila Kerwin
  • Rick & Carol Kerwin
  • William Kerwin
  • Susan Kerwin-Boudreau & Spencer Boudreau
  • Honore Kerwin-Borrelli
  • Gwynne & Eileen Kerwin-Jones
  • Irene Kozina
  • Lace St. Lambert
  • Jill Lacoursière
  • Jonathan Lang & Jane Horvat
  • Heather Languay
  • Carole Lanthier-Strickland
  • Linda Laroche
  • Le Balcon D’Art
  • L’Échoppe des fromages
  • Margaret Lefebvre
  • Constance Leigh
  • Anna Lepage
  • James & Kathleen LeWarne
  • Sandra Libby
  • Lion’s Club of Greenfield Park
  • Andrew Louson
  • Peter MacMillan
  • Susan Magher
  • Linda Magher
  • Jamie Malysh
  • Manoir d’Youville
  • Robert Ellicott & Maria Della Posta
  • Gretchen Martin
  • Louise Mathieu
  • Jane McConnell
  • Ann McKinnon
  • Lloyd J. Megin
  • Alexandra Mendès, MP Brossard-St. Lambert
  • METRO – Mont Royal
  • Mike Reid Memorial Softball Tournament
  • Kenneth Morehouse
  • Mosiac/que Quilters’ Guild
  • Marie Muldowney
  • Newland Torréfacteur – Coffee Roasters
  • Nicole Esthétique
  • Nine & Dine Golf Group
  • Christopher & Loretta Noble
  • Juliet O’Neill Dunphy
  • Patricia Owens
  • Felicity Palmer
  • Pattes & Griffes Saint-Lambert
  • PayPal Giving Fund
  • Jarmila Philipp
  • Photo René
  • Pizzeria No. 900
  • Isabelle Poulet, Députée de Laporte
  • Renée Prendergast
  • Préville Fine Arts Centre
  • Primi Piatti Restaurant
  • Gerald Ratzer
  • Nancy Reid-Di Milo
  • Marika Rein
  • Johane Richardson
  • Cory Robinson
  • Judy Rogers
  • Sherry Romanado, MP Longueuil – Charles LeMoyne
  • Kiran Ross
  • Saint-Lambert Lawn Bowling Club
  • Salon Jean Malard
  • Salon Rituel Coiffure
  • Diana Sanderson
  • David Schurman
  • Scotiabank
  • Lyn Scott
  • Scotyz Bar & Grill
  • Yvonne Sevigny
  • Surjit Shinhat
  • Himmat Shinhat
  • Dolly Shinhat
  • Anthony Slonosky
  • Beverley & Brian Smalridge
  • Rachel Speiran
  • Penelope Speiran
  • Daniela Spinelli
  • Kimberley Stephenson
  • Marla Stovin
  • Alison Streight
  • Beverly Stride-Coté
  • Jean Stutsman
  • Beverley Taylor
  • Taylor’s
  • Théâtre St-Bruno Players
  • Yolande Thibeault
  • Christopher Thomson
  • René & Sharon Vanderaa
  • Vito Volterra
  • Da Wei (Rachel) Wang
  • Susan Warden
  • Jane Watson
  • Francine Weston
  • Michael Whalen
  • Paul Wiebe
  • Victoria Willard
  • Pui Ting Wong
  • Peter & Susan Woodruff
  • Irene Woods
  • Joseph A. and Leslie Zebarth
  • Zeller Family Foundation

20th Anniversary sponsors are highlighted in blue.